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Check Point Profressional Services
(Created page with "shell timeout for ssh session is controlled by an environment variable called TMOUT. it is a ridiculously annoyingly low 180 seconds / 3 minutes by default for many check poi...")

Revision as of 20:33, 10 June 2014

shell timeout for ssh session is controlled by an environment variable called TMOUT. it is a ridiculously annoyingly low 180 seconds / 3 minutes by default for many check point platforms.

[Expert@myfirewall:0]# echo $TMOUT

to change it, use the admin account on SPLAT or Gaia, and set the ilde time...

The value is set by /etc/bashrc

example /etc/bashrc from Check Point Gaia R77.10

# SPLAT specific setup
IDLE="`sed -n 's/idle=//p' /etc/cpshell/cpshell.state 2>/dev/null`"
[ -z "$IDLE" ] && IDLE=3
export TMOUT=`expr $IDLE \* 60`

  1. By default, log out the user after three minutes of unattended prompt

export TMOUT=180 export SHELL=/bin/bash

example /etc/bashrc from Check Point SecurePlatform R75.30

# Take into account idle setting of cpshell, if available
if [ -f /etc/cpshell/cpshell.state ]; then
  idle=`grep idle /etc/cpshell/cpshell.state | sed s/idle=//`
  if [ $idle"UNDEFINED" = "UNDEFINED" ]; then
  export TMOUT=`expr $idle \* 60`