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Check Point Profressional Services
(display only the rule number for a rule with uid = xxx)
(display rule by number)
Line 26: Line 26:
where "Network" represents the default policy package Standard
where "Network" represents the default policy package Standard
===display rule by number===
show rule 1 from policy named Standard
mgmt_cli show access-rulebase name "Network" -s id.txt package "Standard" show-hits true --format json | jq '.rulebase[0]'
===display only the rule number for a rule with uid = xxx===
===display only the rule number for a rule with uid = xxx===

Revision as of 18:41, 28 March 2018



logging in

login and redirect session info to a file for reuse

# mgmt_cli login user admin > id.txt

search existing object

search objects by IP, return all objects that contain the ip explicitly or within a nework address space/range.

# mgmt_cli -s id.txt show objects filter "" ip-only true  --format json | jq '.objects[] | {name: .name, subnet: .subnet4, mask: ."mask-length4"}'

return only objects with the EXACT ip

# mgmt_cli -s id.txt show objects filter "" ip-only true details-level full --format json |  jq '.objects[] | select(."ipv4-address" == "") | .name'
      • details-level full will include more objects, including other stuff like type CpmiHostCkp (built in smartcenter object)

access rules

notes before you begin

when using the parameter "name" to refer to a particular package, it appears to require the following... <package name> <layer name>

as show in by the sho access-layers command below

show access layers?

[Expert@chmkmgr1:0]# mgmt_cli show access-layers -s id.txt --format json | jq '."access-layers"[].name' "dropall Network" "Network"

where "Network" represents the default policy package Standard

display only the rule number for a rule with uid = xxx

mgmt_cli -s id.txt show access-rule layer "My_policy Network" uid "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx"

display src/dst/service from rule with uid

for i in source destination service; do echo $i; mgmt_cli -s id.txt show access-rule layer "<policy_name> <layer_name>" uid "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx" --format json | jq .$i[].name; done

alternate(inferior) way with jq

mgmt_cli show access-rulebase name "Network" -s id.txt package "Standard" show-hits true --format json | jq '.rulebase[] | select (.uid == "1de8fab0-4858-4067-977d-1cbb5cd2e55d")
| ."rule-number"'


display rule number with comment containing a string haha

mgmt_cli show access-rulebase name "Network" -s id.txt package "Standard" show-hits true --format json | jq '.rulebase[] | select (.comments | contains("haha")) | {rulenum: ."rule-number", comment: .comments}'

"rulenum": 1,
"comment": "hahahlol"


r80 api reference

official python open source api

parsing json return output jq

[https://community.checkpoint.com/thread/1083 Parsing the output of mgmt_cli'