query rule hit counter db via command line

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Check Point Profressional Services

example query

sqlite3 $FWDIR/conf/hit_count_rules_table.sqlite 'select datetime(start_date, "unixepoch") as time, datetime(end_date, "unixepoch") as time, netobj_name, rule_uid, hits from HitCountRules where rule_uid="{609C7EC8-82CA-4A58-BEB8-226626DBD3E3}"'
sqlite3 $FWDIR/conf/hit_count_rules_table.sqlite 'select datetime(start_date, "unixepoch") as time, datetime(end_date, "unixepoch") as time, netobj_name, rule_uid, hits from HitCountRules where netobj_name="myfirewall"'

hits per day for a firewall, within day range

 sqlite3 $FWDIR/conf/hit_count_rules_table.sqlite 'select date(start_date, "unixepoch") as day, SUM(hits) AS hits_total from HitCountRules where netobj_name="<my_firewall>" AND day between "2017-07-25" and "2017-09-14" GROUP by day'

keywords: hit count, hitcount