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Check Point Profressional Services
(Created page with " [Expert@MyChassis-ch01-01:0]# '''g_clusterXL_admin -b 1_1 up''' You are about to perform blade_admin up on blades: 1_1 This action will change members state <br> Are you ...")

Revision as of 00:59, 11 April 2021

[Expert@MyChassis-ch01-01:0]# g_clusterXL_admin -b 1_1 up
You are about to perform blade_admin up on blades: 1_1
This action will change members state

Are you sure? (Y - yes, any other key - no) y
Blade_admin up requires auditing Enter your full name: bob frapples Enter reason for blade_admin up [Maintenance]: WARNING: Blade_admin up on blades: 1_1, User: bob frapples, Reason: Maintenance
Members outputs: -*- 1 blade: 1_1 -*- Setting member to normal operation ... Member current state is ACTIVE