creating a new user on Gaia via CLI

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Check Point Profressional Services

where jsmith should be replace with your username


switch to clish shell

if you aren't here already or are at the expert prompt, just type...

[Expert@myfirewall]# clish

Clish will give you the > prompt

add user

> add user jsmith uid 1005 homedir /home/jsmith

set password

> set user jsmith password

set roles

> add rba user jsmith roles adminRole

set access

> add rba user jsmith access-mechanisms Web-UI,CLI

set uid to root

# set user jsmith uid 0

I don't like setting the user to the root UID. I think Check Point made a mess of the auth permissions as they have in the past. Without setting the root uid above, a user can't run fw commmands like "fw stat".


/opt/CPshrd-R75.40/tmp/ line 96: /opt/CPcvpn-R75.40/scripts/ Permission denied
# ls -l /opt/CPcvpn-R75.40/scripts/
-rwxrwx--- 1 admin bin 82 Apr  4  2012 /opt/CPcvpn-R75.40/scripts/

I will investigate adding the users to the bin group. Also, I will add them to the users group. The users group needs to be added to /etc/ssh/sshd_config "AllowedGroups" line. All check point allows there is the root group. Go figure. Sounds insecure to me.