Setting the fwd daemon cpu affinity

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Check Point Profressional Services

Performance Tuning Administration Guide R77

Allocating a Core for Heavy Logging If the gateway is performing heavy logging, it may be advisable to allocate a processing core to the fwd daemon, which performs the logging. Like adding a core for the SND, this too will reduce the number of cores available for kernel instances.

To allocate a processing core to the fwd daemon, you need to do two things: 1. Reduce the number of kernel instances using cpconfig 2. Set the fwd daemon affinity, as detailed below.

Setting the fwd Daemon Affinity Check which processing cores are running the kernel instances and which cores are handling interface traffic using...

fw ctl affinity -l -r

Allocate the remaining core(with nothing assigned to it) to the fwd daemon by setting the fwd daemon affinity to that core

create fwaffinity.conf in $FWDIR/conf and add a line as follows:

n fwd <cpuid>

where <cpuid> is the number of the processing core to be set as the affinity of the fwd daemon