Check point cma startup problem

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Check Point Profressional Services

problem description

attempts to start CMA fail as in the following:

[Expert@mds1]# mdscmd startcma cusotmer_name -i
Failed to start CMA my_customer_name: While attempting to initialize, the CMA reached a timeout.
Wait a few minutes before working with the CMA.

mdsstat for CMA after attemped start. ^ CMA ^customer_name ^ ^ down ^ down ^ down ^ down ^


This is happening due to the registry file ( getting corrupted. If there is a backup, please replace this file withi the CMA environment ($CPDIR/registry)

  1. cd /var/backup
  2. identify a backup with the appropriate date
  3. move or copy it to a tmp dir
  4. unzip it and untar it
  5. you will then have more tgz files
  6. unpack mds_backup_var_opt.tgz
  7. replace the cma registiry file with the one from the backup