CMA status is "Stopped" in MDG

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Check Point Profressional Services

Solution ID: sk35378 Product: Multi-Domain Management / Provider-1 Version: NGX R65, R70 Last Modified: 07-Jul-2008


   CMA status in MDG is "Stopped".
   User cannot connect to the CMA from the MDG.
   No problem connecting to the CMA directly via SmartDashboard. 

Cause applications.C* and CPMILinks* files have been corrupted. Solution To resolve this issue, remove the applications.C* and CPMILinksMgr.* files from the CMA.

Proceed as follows:

   Change the environment to the relevant CMA and check the environment location:
   # mdsenv CMA_name
   # echo $FWDIR
   Note: The user can also use the command # mdsenv IP

   Stop the relevant CMA and check its status:
   # mdsstop_customer CMA_name
   # mdsstat
   Note: The user can also use the command # mdsstop_customer IP

   Redirect to the conf directory of the relevant CMA and remove applications.C* and CPMILinksMgr.* files :
   # mcd conf
   # mkdir backup
   # mv $FWDIR/conf/applications.C* $FWDIR/conf/backup/
   # mv $FWDIR/conf/CPMILinksMgr.* $FWDIR/conf/backup/

   Restart the CMA:
   # mdsstart_customer CMA_name
   Note: The user can also use the command # mdsstart_customer IP

   Check the MDG status for the relevant CMA. Wait for 1-2 minutes till the status is updated, and test the SmartDashboard launch from the MDG.


   applications.C and CPMILinksMgr.db will be created again (in $FWDIR/conf/) at CMA restart.
   Do not delete these files from the MDS itself. These files are not recreated at the MDS level (only on the CMA).
   The backup directory can be removed after the solution is verified.